The mission, mandate and principles of this new research governance organization was developed under the guidance of the Steering Committee and based on interviews with key individuals in Nunavik organizations and leadership. For more information, see Background or look through the Integrated Plan.
To manage and oversee research in Nunavik in a way that advances Nunavik Inuit self-determination in research, so as to ensure that research serves Nunavimmiut priorities, needs and aspirations.

The seven core objectives of the organization will be:
- Improve regional coordination and efficiency of research management;
- Improve knowledge sharing and communication between organizations, communities and researchers;
- Strengthen Nunavimmiut access to and control over research information;
- Enhance alignment of research with Nunavik Inuit socio-cultural values and research priorities;
- Strengthen researchers’ awareness of, and compliance with, existing legislation and ethical standards;
- Promote and support capacity-building and enhance training for community-led research; and
- Promote greater socio-economic value of research for Nunavik society.

Four guiding principles for the organization are to be community-centred; fair and trustworthy; inclusive; and grounded in and building good relationships

The new organization’s objectives will be addressed with five main functions:
Approving and overseeing research
- Ensure an integrated, streamlined and culturally-competent Nunavik specific research review, approval and monitoring process, carried out by Regional Review Committees and Community Review Committees
Identifying, gathering and communicating research priorities
- Gather Nunavimmiut research needs and priorities from the ground up to inform research agendas and funding priorities
Managing and communicating research information
- Manage a comprehensive research database with a research project registry, an integrated online portal for researchers, and a public-facing multimedia atlas
- Engage in proactive, regular communications with Nunavimmiut about research projects and opportunities
- Organize a Nunavik research forum
Supporting community research needs
- Support communities to develop and implement research projects through research proposal development and reporting, and enhancing research training
- Facilitate connections between communities and researchersSupporting researchers
Supporting researchers
- Educate researchers on the review process, ethical standards, and good research practices
- Provide logistics support to researchers in a way that creates local jobs
The organizational structure will include a Board of Directors for high-level strategic and organizational oversight; a Secretariat with central staff and Community Research Liaisons to implement the functions of the organization; two or three subject-based Regional Review Committees for regional research review and decision-making; and fifteen Community Review Committees for local research review and decision-making .
The scope of the organization’s research review responsibility will include all research within and about Nunavik.
It will include territories defined under the James Bay and Northern Québec Agreement (JBNQA) and the Nunavik Marine Region (NMR) as defined under the Nunavik Inuit Land Claims Agreement (NILCA). However, the research review mandate will be carried out in a way that respects the roles and responsibilities of the various bodies established under the relevant land claims agreements as well as government or institutions holding permitting or other type of authority on research. Further, the scope will be constrained by the need to respect the rights and jurisdiction of neighbouring Indigenous peoples (Cree, Naskapi, and Nunavut and Labrador Inuit) with respect to areas of overlapping interest, as defined by the JBNQA and NILCA.